Sunday, February 20, 2005

Midterm Break

Well this is supposed to be midterm break untill Thursday coming... but I have exhausted my allowable break time in the past 2 days... now the rest of this "break" is work time...

It's ok though, at least I get to work without the interruptions of classes.

I've posted new deviation on my deviantART site, and hope to post a couple more today. They are from older photos I have taken, but am now just getting around to touching up and posting.

Look for more in the near future, especially if I ever get my hands on a new digicam.


Thursday, February 17, 2005

First Masters Evaluation

Well I managed to pull out a 73% on my First evaluation for my Masters degree, I recieved this mark for my first midterm in Digital Signal Processing. I am pretty pleased with this, as I had feared a much lower mark.

Unfortunately course work has seen fit to fill up altogether too much of my time, leaving me with precious little to devout to my research. Much to the consternation of my Supervisors, and Instrumar. but hopefully I can get on top of it more, and ration my time better. I will use Midterm break as my catch up time and plan my time better going forward.

It still seems foriegn to me to be back in school... that first test was sobering. I gotta get my head wrapped concretely around this idea, and get into a groove (and not a rut).

I really miss having a digital camera, I think I'm going to have to talk myself into getting a cheaper one till I can afford the more expensive one I want. I'm currently lusting over the Cannon Powershot Pro1, an 8megapixel, 7x zoom lens... it has all the features I need, and I got a bad case of the "wants". Unfortunately the camera is $1000+ and I would need accessories such as memory cards, carrying cases, etc.

I also need a new computer, I think I am going to go with a laptop this time around, and maybe invest a little in upgrading my desktop system.

All these things of course rely on me getting some income... money is always trouble...

Well, back to work...


Monday, February 07, 2005

I've Published a Calendar

I recently made a Calendar using my Photography of Newfoundland, titled "Newfoundland's Natural Beauty" I'm publishing it on the on-demand publishing site Lulu, you can check it out at

I just ordered my copy, and should have it in a couple weeks. I will update my blog with my opinion of it's quality when I recieve it.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

So I'm Doing a Weblog...

So I'm Doing a Weblog...

Yup, It's official, I'm going to keep a weblog (Blog). This blog will be used for whatever strikes my fancy at the time. I love posting digital Pictures on-line, and will continue to do so, using this medium as well as my Deviantart site . The deviantART site will be used more for polished works, where as snapshots and the like will often find there way here.

I'd like to start by saying why I'm joining the blogging community. There are a few reasons, but mostly it's to give me a place to rant and write where I can get some feedback, but also return at a later date and see what was on my mind at any time. Other reasons such as giving my friends insight into my life are of course there, but it's mostly for me.

I invite any and all comments, questions, feedback, hate mail, whatever.

Keep coming back, and I'll keep writing.
