I'm seriously considering giving NaNoWriMo an attempt next month. 50,000 words in 30 days, how hard can it be? I think I have a novel in me, I've tried getting it out a few times, but the effort allways petered out and failed.
I don't know if I really have time to try something like this, but I think if I cut back on TV watching and net surfing I should be able to give it a solid effort.
I've had a few ideas for novels over the years, the first was an adaptation of adventure scenarios from a role playing game based on Lord of the Rings. It would chronicle the adventures of my charachter that spanned several years of real life time. I still want to write this novel, but it'd require a lot of research and trying to recall scenarios from quite a few years ago. Theres also the hassle of basing the book in the world of Middle Earth, and any rights that might trespass upon.
The other novel I began was a science fiction adventure based in the not too distant future (couple hundred years) this faltered pretty quickly, just because of things going on in my life. I think, after all the sci-fi that I have read, that I should be able to write a good sci fi. Again this might be too ambitious to write in the 30 day time frame, and require alot of research...
I'm not sure what project I might pick up (if I decide to do it) but I'm gonna give it some serious thought.
The ultimate goal isn't to have something that is ready to publish at the end of 30 days, it's just to write the darn thing. If you edit it and get it published afterwords, more power to you :) There have been a couple NaNoWriMo novels published.
Maybe I could release the unedited work as a serial as I write it... perhaps if I had some friends express interest.
Other Things
What else is going on lately? Not alot. Been pretty busy with school stuff, and sick for the last week or so. I had a month or so of a dry spell in photographs... But I rectified that with my trip downtown the other afternoon when a cruise ship was in port.
Looking forward to the weekend now, should be a good time. Friday I'm hanging out with the gang, boozing and cruising. Saturday my sister and fiance will be in town, and we're all going to The Keg for supper.
Well, best clue this up, Trivia in a few minutes.
Things you gotta check out
- Serenity
- You gotta check out the firefly movie, Joss Whedons canceled series is transitioned to the big screen in a big way. One of the best Sci-fi films I've seen in a long time (and I'm a huge sci-fi fan). It seems that even with a smallish budget a film with a solid plot; an interesting setting; and a great cast can be put together to great effect. One of the great sci-fi authors, Orson Scott Card of Ender fame, has a great review of Serenity
- New album from Harvey Danger
- Harvey Danger has released their third album, Little by Little, for free from their website. This may seem a little counter to the profit making, but they have some great articles on their site explaing their reasoning. I'd never listened to their previous material, but I gave this a try and was very pleased with it. I highly recommend checking out this band, I'll be looking for their previous CD's next time I'm at HMV.
- HIM -- Dark Light
- I've been a fan of HIM and their "love metal" sound for several years now, introduced to it by Bam Margera and the Jackass/CKY videos. Their new CD Dark Light is a great album, great sound and lyrical content. I highly recommend checking out this Finnish group, and their new CD.
- Baen Free Library
Baen Books has an awesome section of their website called the free library. Baen is a sci-fi publishing house, and they have a great slate of authors. Many of these authors have agreed to let some of their books be posted for free. They're available in several formats from HTML to e-book. Several of my favourite sci-fi authors have some great books available there. I highly recommend John Ringo, David Weber, and David Drake.