Thursday, September 22, 2005

Time flies

When you're having what?

Classes have begun in earnest again for the semester, I'm taking one and TAing another. The TA doesn't seem to bad this semester, pretty regular schedule, one two-hour lab a week, and an assignment to correct. The course isn't too bad either, I have a basic grasp of much of the material from previous courses, so I should be able to muddle through pretty good.

I recently broke down and purchased a new computer, a Compaq Presario R4025CA laptop for those interested. I'm liking it, it's powerful enough to be my only computer, but light enough on my budget that I can somewhat afford it. It's a good thing too, as my desktop computer died on me (we'll it's still in the midst of its death throws, but it won't stay running for more than 10 minutes at a time).

A nice thing about the laptop is that wherever I go my comfortable and familiar computer set up is with me... no putting up with missing programs, or data being far away.

Unfortunatlty I can't use it on the network at Instrumar (the company that is sponsoring my masters) as It's against their company policy to allow outside computers on their network for security/virus reasons. Thats ok, I can still do my work on it and transfer it with a USB flash drive if need be.

I like being able to write this blog (or do work) in the cafeteria here at school, I can do my thing and still people watch :)

I can't seem to get into the habit of writing this regularly, doesn't seem to be in my nature to do it.

I'd like to find something to regularly write about, maybe mini reviews of things in my life (movies/books/technology). Or things that tick me off.

Thats it for this update post, maybe I'll work on some other things to discuss...


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